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Sign Up to Receive the Kindness Curriculum

What if kindness and compassion were taught in schools just like math and reading? What if kids were taught how to pay attention not only to lessons, but also to their own emotions? What if we all took steps to improve well-being in our lives and communities?

At the Center for Healthy Minds, we ask these questions through the lens of the latest science and research.

Thats why we’re making our mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum, a set of practices used in one of our studies in preschool classrooms, freely available to you.

Scientists and experts who worked on this curriculum continue to expand the research, which not only includes efforts to replicate our research findings but also to spread them far and wide. For example, we had the unique honor of sharing insights from studying the Kindness Curriculum with Sesame Street Workshop to help shape their Spring 2017 season on “Kindness.”

For training in how to teach the Kindness Curriculum, contact our partner Mindful Schools. For more resources and organizations specializing in social emotional learning, you can find resources in the FAQ below.

Before Signing Up, Review Our FAQs

How can I get my child’s school involved in the Kindness Curriculum study?

We are not enrolling schools or classrooms in any studies over the next year. We appreciate your support and all the work you are doing to build a kinder, wiser, more compassionate world.

If you're interested in receiving more information about products and services related to the curriculum as they become available, please join this email list from Healthy Minds Innovations, an affiliated organization dedicated to supporting the Center for Healthy Minds.

What other languages are you translating the Kindness Curriculum into?

Thank you for your question. The Kindness Curriculum was developed for English-speaking classrooms and was studied in that context. With the support of Pure Edge, we were able to translate the Kindness Curriculum into Spanish. It is a direct translation and we have not conducted research on the Spanish language curriculum. At this time, we do not have plans to translate the curriculum into other languages or to offer curriculums for other age groups.

What other information do you have for kids and families?

You can find more information about the research we do with infants and children in the Science section of our website.

We have also published articles focused on our work improving children's well-being:

Mindful Movement for Young Learners

Lessons from Creating a Kindness Curriculum

Well-Being Tips for Children and Families

Resources for Cultivating Well-Being in Children

Does the Center provide support for the Kindness Curriculum?

We're pleased to be able to offer the Kindness Curriculum for wide use. We do not offer support, training or consultation for your use of the curriculum.

The Kindness Curriculum was developed as a research intervention tool for an English-speaking preschool classroom. We appreciate that there is interest in this material for other age groups and other language speakers. We offer the curriculum as it was developed for its intended purpose. We hope teachers and caregivers will be inspired to use all or portions of the curriculum to best suit the needs of their children, while honoring our license terms.

If you're interested in receiving more information about products and services related to the curriculum as they become available, please join this email list from Healthy Minds Innovations, an affiliated organization dedicated to supporting the Center for Healthy Minds.

Can I use the Kindness Curriculum in my business?

Thank you for your interest in using the Kindness Curriculum. The curriculum has been released with a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license that limits commercial activities including selling the curriculum or any training or other services related to the curriculum to others without written permission from Healthy Minds Innovations, Inc. This enables us to support our mission of broadly disseminating the work of the Center for Healthy Minds.

To help us better understand your request for use of the curriculum, please tell us more about how you intend to use the program and who your intended audience will be. If the curriculum will be used to support your current business, please provide more information about your business including your primary activities, clientele, and location.

In an effort to make sure our work remains accessible to all, we will closely review all requests for extended licenses. Thanks again for your interest in our Kindness Curriculum. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Sign Up for Your Copy of the Kindness Curriculum

In English and Spanish
Kindness Curriculum Logo

By signing up, you'll also receive the latest news and well-being tips from the Center for Healthy Minds.

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Kindness Curriculum Videos

Courtesy of Wisconsin Public Television. PBS Wisconsin Education’s project Kindness in the Classroom won an Emmy for its initiative based on the Kindness Curriculum researched and developed by our Center.

Overview of the Kindness Curriculum

Learn about the Kindness Curriculum—including the direct benefits of teaching mindfulness in a classroom setting. Produced by PBS Wisconsin Education

Attention to Breath and Body

Watch the ways students learn mindfulness by paying attention to their senses, breath and body movements with the Kindness Curriculum. Produced by PBS Wisconsin Education

Caring and Emotions

Explore how students recognize and work with their emotions, learning to care for themselves and others with the Kindness Curriculum. Produced by PBS Wisconsin Education.

Tips and Tricks

In this video, educators share tips and tricks to incorporating the Kindness Curriculum in their classrooms. Produced by PBS Wisconsin Education.

Guided Meditation

This is a short, guided mindfulness exercise developed as part of "Kindness in the Classroom." Produced by PBS Wisconsin Education.